


This picture gives me liveeeeee💕



結果omgggggg 他最終的目的地真的是Perth😭

不管他們是bbf or bf 只要他們活的超級開心我也替他們開心啦啦啦😊👏

(而且他們連續兩年和台灣同個時間點ring in the New Year🎊了耶)

Connor的臉整個被擋住我覺得超白癡的哈哈哈 他看起來真的超小一隻耶😂

喔然後然後前幾天發北模的作文 題目是寫封信感謝別人

我沒猶豫的寫給Connor Franta, my one and only inspiration💕

結果發下來的時候我竟然拿到19分欸 超級超級超級開心😁😁😁😁

可能閱卷老師也很愛Connor Franta吧哈哈哈




不過其實這才是我放著書不念 花時間翻譯的原因

我的target exclusive終於終於來了🎉🎉

我還找到這個filter!! proud of myself💪

整個remind me of for him裡的一句歌詞

"We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue" 

雖然我的翻譯裡面是翻 不需顏料就可以為我們的世界塗上色彩 之類的


覺得更深的意思應該是red&blue是代表Troye and his lover不同的個性

然後呢 截然不同的兩人加在一起成爲purple

但是as I said 我懶得回去改文章 所以大家請將就的看吧哈哈哈


因為他是只收錄在target exclusive裡的歌

不過youtube上也有人上傳啦 所以大家可以低調的上去聽~

因為這首歌也真的很好聽 歌詞也寫的很不錯


跟某些在billboard上一成不變的love song 或是動不動就愛物化女性、各種sex的pop song相比

but don't get me wrong! 我還是很enjoy那些歌的~

好比hotline bling 他的歌詞實在沒什麼營養 mv也超怪超好笑 可是那首歌真的很catchy 動不動腦中就會響起他的旋律啊哈哈哈

這首歌呢 Troye在寫一段逝去的愛

他以the wave和empty swimming pools來比喻

努力讓自己放下這段感情 既使仍有留戀

知道這已經無益於己 而且還有更美好的事物在等著他

所以he has been running 直到逃離這份愛情 找回自己



I've been running, running, run
I've been running, running, run

I've been running, running, run

I've been running, running, run

我向前奔跑 未曾停歇

So tell me how I'm gonna get past this wave to empty swimming pools
告訴我 如何能逃離這巨浪 抵達那空無一人的泳池

Cause I just wanna be at the start of after loving you
在愛情逝去後 我只想找回自己

I plant my feet and I clench my teeth
我穩住腳步 咬緊牙關

I can't outrun what's coming after me
卻仍無法逃離 那翻騰席捲而來的情緒

So tell me how am I gonna get past this wave to empty swimming pools
所以啊 告訴我吧 我怎能逃離這洶湧而來的情緒 找回那平穩的心跳

But I see a lighthouse in the distance calling my name
遠方的燈塔 輕喚我的名字

But I can't get there 'til I go through all of this pain
但我無法停靠 在我歷經這一切痛楚前

There's a glimmer of hope like an exhale of smoke in the sky
閃爍微光的希望 彷彿空中一縷青煙

And sometime you drain out on the shit that used to feel right
耗盡全力 排空那曾經美好 此刻卻徒留痛楚的愛情

Empty swimming pools

I've been running, running, run
I've been running, running, run
I've been running, running, run
I've been running, running, run
我向前奔跑 仍未停歇

So tell me how I'm gonna get past this wave to empty swimming pools
告訴我 如何能逃離這巨浪 抵達那空無一人的泳池

Tell me how I'm gonna feel less secure
告訴我 如何能抑制心中的安全感蔓延

When I look at you

So I close my eyes and just visualize
於是我閉上雙眼 讓那畫面躍於眼前

The greenest grass on the other side

So tell me how am I gonna get past this wav to empty swimming pools
所以啊 告訴我吧 我怎能逃離這洶湧而來的情緒 找回那平穩的心跳

But I see a lighthouse in the distance calling my name
遠方的燈塔 輕喚我的名字

But I can't get there 'til I go through all of this pain
但我無法停靠 在我歷經這一切痛楚前

There's a glimmer of hope like an exhale of smoke in the sky
閃爍微光的希望 彷彿空中一縷青煙

And sometime you drain out on the shit that used to feel right
耗盡全力 排空那曾經美好 此刻卻徒留痛楚的愛

Empty swimming pools

I've been running, running, run
I've been running, running, run
I've been running, running, run
I've been running, running, run
我向前奔跑 直到找回自己 方能停歇啊


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